Penticton Alliance Church is a gathering of people who, first and foremost, believe.  We believe that God created us in His image. We believe our first parents (Adam & Eve) sinned by disobeying God by eating of the tree of knowledge which He had told them not to. We believe that sin has caused a seperation between humans and God ever since. We believe that Jesus, being a member of the Holy Trinity, came to earth born of a virgin, to live a sinless life so He could die as the perfect sacrifice attoning for our sins. Jesus' death and resurrection meant that people could have a right relationship with God again. They only need BELIEVE and give Him control of their lives. Once they do that, they are filled with the Holy Spirit (another member of the Trinity) and adopted into God's family. He calls us His children! As His children we strive to spend time together and help one another along the journey of life. That is where church comes in. We attend church so we are in community with fellow believers in Jesus Christ, worshipping God together as brothers and sisters. We help one another through life's challenges and we celebrate each other's victories. This focus on community is very important to us at PAC because no one was meant to walk alone in their life or faith. We believe we are here to be hope and light to the lost world around us and to be family as those who follow Jesus. None of us do that perfectly, or even very well at all at times. But we are learning and journeying together towards our Savior, Jesus Christ. We trust that the Bible is true and relevant for today and base our services and lives on it's teachings. We hope for a day when all will follow Christ and be saved from their sin and know the love of God. 

* Want to know more about Jesus and His gift of eternal life?  Click HERE.