Christian life was not meant to be done alone but it's not always easy to know how to walk with each other in life and faith. This study shows that we all are needy and we all are needed. As such we all need to learn how to give and recieve love, advice, encouragement and even guidance or correction sometimes. Different gerations, cultures, family traditions, etc all make this an often challenging task so we say nothing and the body hurts. This course is designed to help us grow in both recieving and giving in all these areas thus helping our church body grow in love and Biblical harmony with each other.
First date is June 21 when books will be given out and discussion about how the course will work will be discussed. If you cannot come to othis run of the course, there will be others at other days and times. Please let the offive know if you are only available at certain times and we will try and accomodate that.